
Google Glass for Rubyist

April 24, 2013

Disclaimer: I do not have access to the Google Glass Explorer Program. The code in this blog post is purely speculative, it is not production ready.

Google has recently made the developer documentation for it’s Google Glass product publicly available. Named the Mirror API, it allows developers to create applications called Glassware that interacts with user’s Glass devices via a RESTful interface. Developers authenticate to the API on the users behalf using OAuth v2. Once authorized, Glassware applications can publish timeline notifications to the user’s Glass devices and subscribe to receive notifications of actions preformed on the devices.


Since Glassware applications do not get installed directly onto Glass devices the first step to interacting with a user’s device is the authorization process. This web based process has the user accessing your site and authenticating with their Google account by way of OAuth v2.

require 'google/api_client'
require 'sinatra'

    # Add other requested scopes.

enable :sessions

def api_client; settings.api_client; end
def mirror_api; settings.mirror_api; end   
def oauth2_api; settings.oauth2_api; end

def store_credentials(user_id, credentials)
    raise NotImplementedError, 'store_credentials not implemented'

def get_stored_credentials(user_id)
    raise NotImplementedError, 'get_stored_credentials not implemented'

def get_user_info
    result = api_client.execute!(api_method: oauth2_api.userinfo.get,
                                authorization: user_credentials)
    user_info = nil
    if result.status == 200
    user_info = result.data
    puts "An error occurred: #{result.data['error']['message']}"

def bootstrap_user
    # TODO: Welcome the user to your Glassware

def user_credentials
    @authorization ||= (
    auth = api_client.authorization.dup
    auth.redirect_uri = to('/oauth2callback')

configure do
    client = Google::APIClient.new
    client.authorization.client_id = CLIENT_ID
    client.authorization.client_secret = CLIENT_SECRET
    client.authorization.scope = SCOPES

    mirror = client.discovered_api('mirror', 'v1')
    oauth2 = client.discovered_api('oauth2', 'v2')

    set :api_client, client
    set :mirror_api, mirror
    set :oauth2_api, oauth2

before do
    unless user_credentials.access_token || request.path_info =~ /^\/oauth2/
    redirect to('/oauth2authorize')

get '/oauth2authorize' do
    redirect user_credentials.authorization_uri.to_s, 303

get '/oauth2callback' do
    user_credentials.code = params[:code] if params[:code]
    user_info = get_user_info
    session[:user_id] = user_info.id
    store_credentials user_info.id, user_credentials

    redirect to('/')

get '/' do
    "<h1>Welcome to my Glassware</h1>"

The above Sinatra application authenticates the user and stores their authentication for later use. Storing the user’s authentication isn’t required but it could prove important as most of the time you will be pushing timeline updates to a user’s device when they are away from their computer.

Timeline Cards

Timeline cards allow developers to present information to their users. As timeline cards are added through the API they are presented as a queue the that the user can read through as they wish. You may have notice the # TODO comment in the above example, lets use that method to push a timeline card that welcomes the user to our Glassware application.

def insert_timeline_item(timeline_item, opts)
    if opts[:filename]
    media = Google::APIClient::UploadIO.new(opts[:filename], opts[:content_type])
    result = api_client.execute(
        api_method: mirror_api.timeline.insert,
        body_object: timeline_item,
        media: media,
        parameters: {
        'uploadType' => 'multipart',
        'alt' => 'json'}
        authorization: user_credentials)
    result = api_client.execute(
        api_method: mirror_api.timeline.insert,
        body_object: timeline_item,
        authorization: user_credentials)
    if result.success?
    puts "An error occurred: #{result.data['error']['message']}"

def bootstrap_user
    text = "Welcome to JasonInCode's Mirror API for Rubyist"
    timeline_item = mirror_api.timeline.insert.request_schema.new({ 'text' => text })

Now when a user authenticates to the application they receive a timeline card welcoming them. You may have noticed that the insert_timeline_item method has a set of optional parameters. This implementation of insert_timeline_item allows the developer to upload images and other media to a user’s timeline.

get '/send_image' do
    text = "Sample image upload"
    timeline_item = mirror_api.timeline.insert.request_schema.new({ 'text' => text })
        filename: 'sample.png',
        content_type: 'image/png'

In addition to adding images, audio, and video a developer can also upload a list of actions the user can perform on a timeline card. There are a number of system provided menu items built into Glass devices:

  • REPLY and REPLY_ALL: Initiates a reply to the timeline item using the voice recording UI.
  • DELETE: Deletes the timeline item.
  • SHARE: Allows the Glass user to share the timeline item with their contacts.
  • READ_ALOUD: Tells the device to read the item’s speakableText to the user, if that is not set it will read the item’s text instead.
  • VOICE_CALL: Calls the phone number in the item’s creator.phone_number.
  • NAVIGATE: Starts navigation to the item’s location.
  • TOGGLED_PINNED: Toggles the item’s isPinned state.

Developers can also provide custom menu items that are specific to the individual Glassware application. The custom menu items can have custom display text and an icon image. Each custom menu item has an id that is returned to the application via the application’s registered subscription URL.

get '/item-with-actions' do
    text = "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?"
    speakableText = "If a woodchuck could chuck wood."
    timeline_item = mirror_api.timeline.insert.request_schema.new({
    'text' => text, 'speakableText' => speakableText

    menuItems = []

    menuItems << { 'action' => 'READ_ALOUD' }

    menuItems << {
    'action' => 'CUSTOM',
    'id' => 'id-for-notification',
    'values' => [{
        'displayName' => 'JasonInCode Action',
        'iconUrl' => 'path/to/icon.png'

    timeline_item.menuItems = menuItems


As mentioned above a Glassware application can register to receive a notifications from a user’s Glass device. When creating a subscription the developer specifies a URL for Google to send a request to about the user’s actions.

def subscribe_to_notification(collection, callback_url)
    subscription = mirror_api.subscriptions.insert.request_schema.new({
    'collection' => collection,
    'userToken' => session[:user_id],
    'callbackUrl' => callback_url

    result = api_client.execute(
    api_method: mirror_api.subscription.insert,
    body_object: subscription,
    authorization: user_credentials)

    if result.success?
    puts "An error occurred: #{result.data['error']['message']}"

def bootstrap_user
    # ...
    subscribe_to_notification('timeline', to('/notify'))

The code above tells Google to let your application know when a user does an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE on their timeline. Google will send a POST request to the specified callbackUrl containing a minimal JSON ping that contains the information to retrieve the full information about. It is important to note that Google requires that the callbackUrl be secured via HTTPS.

post '/notify' do
    request = JSON.parse(request.body.read)

    session[:user_id] = request['userToken']

    text = "Got a notification: #{request}"
    timeline_item = mirror_api.timeline.insert.request_schema.new({ 'text' => text })

I hope by now you can see the possiblities that Ruby and the Mirror API make available to developers. There are stil topics I didn’t touch on such as the Contacts and Location APIs, perhaps in a future post.

Jason Worley

Written by Jason Worley who lives and works in Indianapolis building useful things.